Sunday, November 4, 2007

I was tagged by both Angela and Shannon ... does that mean I have to do it twice? (^_^) Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
1. I love anime, ever since I was a kid. Good thing my hubby loves anime too, and our son is an anime fan now as well (^_^) We even have our collection of different anime series and we're still adding to that collection. And I'm so happy now too coz we have the FUNimation channel - 24 hours of anime everyday!!!!!
2. I like playing videogames. I have the PS1 and PS2 consoles and we're saving up for a Wii and either a GameBoy Advance or a Nintendo DS (which I prefer) for my son (but I'm gonna play with it while he's in school).
3. I love being on stage, whether it be dancing, singing or acting, and miss it terribly. But I was fortunate enough to be a part of an all-Filipina cast of The Vagina Monologues that we performed in NY in March and April of this year.
4. When I was 17 and a freshman in college, I became a professional dancer for a primetime TV show in the Philippines. I only did that for a year.
5. There was a time when I tweezed my leg hair. A few would be a little painful to pull out but overall, it wasn't bad - but was very time cosuming.
6. I'm such a movie/tv/commercial critic. Whenever I see something that's not right, not possible, out of place, some minor change, I will see it and make a comment. Little things like for example, in this angle, her sleeve is on the shoulder. But at a different angle, it's not. Most people won't notice that but I do.
7. I keep old letters/notes from friends. Oldest that I have is from 1986. Is that weird? Or am I just being a pack rat.
Now I tag - Bex, Deanne, Kate, Kerry, Louise, Maaike, Pokettiger

Interesting, Bambi. Love the SPS today - you're looking almost mysterious!
WOW the photo of the covered bridge is fab. Would love to see it IRL.
Great SPS and SOS pics :D Interesting 7 facts too :)
Oh wow! The bridge photo is just stunning! Seriously, I've had to look at it three or four times already and will look and admire again when I've finished typing this comment!
Love your SOS... AND SPS =)
I'm getting sooo lazy about comments..
Haha, tagged you back with a different one! If you don't craft you'll have to change the questions to photography instead.
This is so interesting - love it.
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