Wednesday, October 31, 2007

I love these drawers. This is a jewelry case that my mom gave me and each of these drawers holds something different in them. There's also a glass door over these drawers like the one on the right. The other half of this is for necklaces, you can see some of my pearls peeking in the corner.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 7:53 AM.
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Lovely jewellery case, Bambi!
Great minds Bambi :)
Lovely photo and a great angle . . . but is does keep you guessing what's in the drawers and hanging at the side !!! :)
Loving your music.
Lovely set of drawers to house your jewellery.
Such pretty little drawers. Great photo of them :-)
I love the color of your drawers. Very elegant! :)
Yes, very elegant and a great shot.
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