Friday, November 2, 2007
We don't have our own garden, it's our landlord's so I can't take a picture of that. Besides, we rarely spend time out there.But this morning I saw these mushrooms - huge ones. This is the largest at a little over 6 inches tall. The other 5 that are spread out near the base of the tree are smaller, maybe between 2.5 and 5 inches. Not sure what they are called but I don't think they're poisonous since I saw a squirrel nibbling on one of them.

Wow this shot is brilliant!!xxx
Wow, thats amazing, what great detail you managed to caputure.
Fab pic...can see all the texture.
That's a super shot. Hope, for the squirrel's sake, that it's not poisonous!
Smashing mushroom shot!
Wow FAB shot :)
Giant mushroom, how cool is that!
Great closeup!!
Cool photo! too bad I don't have a garden to feature for yesterday's prompt :(
happy weekend!
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