Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Can you eat upside down? Only his hind legs are clutching on to the tree coz his front ones are holding the food (^_^)
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at 7:20 AM.
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Beautifully wild! Well done for capturing him so well.
Oh what a truly great photo.
Gorgeous shot. x
Got a few to catch up on here . . . seem to have missed you the last few days.
Love the squirrel :-) Clever aren't they? We have then here and they are so quick.
The benches shot is just wonderful, one of those shots that is just perfect in every way.
Milk is cool ;-) and that long road brilliant :-)
Awww soooo cute and fluffy! I love squirrels :O)
Great shot!
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