Friday, April 18, 2008

It looks sad atop the Empire State Building with no one around and even sadder that this is what we saw up there .... all gray. I kid you not, this is what I took then, it was zero visibility. Sad that my friends weren't able to see the view but this was the only time we could go up there.
This entry was posted
on Friday, April 18, 2008 at 7:47 AM.
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oh dear, all the way to the top and nothing to see! shame :(
wow! nice shot though :)
Great post Bambi. Very sad looking telescope thingies!
Such a shame but a great shot all the same and I bet you didn't have to queue either.x
Well, as you know we fortunately had the opposite. Clear as a bell :-)
HOWEVER despite the circumstances this shot is fabulous, beautifully framed :-) I didn't even know there were so many of those machines as people were milling all around them!
Great take on the prompt :-)
Great idea and fab shot x
What a great take on todays word. Your stark image really did capture the feeling of sadness.
Great concept for your photo. That stinks that you couldn't see anything. I've never even been in The Empire State Building and I only live in NJ. I hope to some day though!
it's my 3rd time up the empire state bldg so when we got home, i just showed my friends the photos i took from before so they'll have an idea of what they could have seen up there =P where in NJ are you Heather? i'm in north arlington, bergen county. just 30 mins away from NY by bus
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