Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Remember the 6-inch mushroom I showed you before? This is what it looked like when it opened up. Sorry it's a cheat, it's raining out.
This entry was posted
on Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 7:01 AM.
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What a whopper.
wow cool mushroom and a great photo, when you said it was a cheat one I was expecting to see a photo of the mario mushroom plushie ^^ hehe
monster mushroom indeed!!! thanks for the comment, i will have a play around to get a comment on my pic never done it befoire"" !!!
Wow wee!
That#s fantastic!
Wow, lovely photo
Great shot.
Fab mushroom!
Great mushroom. Amazing! We all cheat from time to time . . . it's good for you :-)
fantastic shot... that is some mushroom
Wow that is a big one! Great shot x
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