Wednesday, February 13, 2008

We always have a few of these 3-pack cookies/crackers in the car to give to beggars in the street, instead of giving them money.
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on Wednesday, February 13, 2008 at 7:56 AM.
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hehe nice shot! :)
Great idea! Maybe this helps more than money?
i agree with yourself and jolanda, i'd much prefer to do the food than money thing x
That's sweet but sad.
It's good to do this :-) Very charitable and kind :-)
I always think "they" are someones son/daughter and would like to think, God forbid, that someone would help my child if they were in that position.
Great idea - we don't have that sort of problem here but I used to buy the homeless a burger or something when we lived in Bath.
good idea, I prefer to buy them a drink or sandwich rather than give money...
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