Monday, January 7, 2008

I can make you guess what this is but none of you'll be able to (^_^) So this is what it is -

. I got this from Baguio City, the summer capital of the Philippines. Not exactly sure what material they used, same as what is used for basket weaving I guess. But it does have lots of folds in it (^_^)
This entry was posted
on Monday, January 7, 2008 at 7:24 AM.
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Looks like it took a long time to make.
Wow - that's fabulous and the colouris lovely!
Fab shot!
that's great, I thought it was going to be a bag/basket.
You're right - I never would have guessed that!
Cool folds :)
Wow - cool. You are queen of mystery shots ;)
Fabulous. I'm glad you told us what it was.
so glad you showed us the full pic, i would never have guessed what it was! fantastic shot!
Wow - what a neat object. Very original. Super shot!
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