Wednesday, December 12, 2007

These laces became a fad sometime in the 80s I think and I have another pair in black. These have been in my drawer since. I put it on my son's boot for today and showed it to him ... he says it looks silly (^_^) The nice thing about these laces is you don't have to tie them, just pull to tighten. I'm gonna put the black one on his boots and maybe he'll try them out.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 at 7:45 AM.
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I remember those laces. Noever had a pair though! Nice shot.
Grrrrrr - I hate not being able to edit my comments!
That should say 'never'! lol
Lol at Bobs - I think the exact same thing about editing comments - isnt it a pain!
Anyway - on to those laces - they have to be the craziest things I have seen - I dont remember them either - I know if I had seen a pair I would def. remember those! Fab shot of them too!
wow..they are strange, I can't remember them either.:)
I had completely forgotten about those laces, but my daughter definitely used to have them in pink. Great shot. x
Oh my you have taken me back, I used to have flourescent pink ones...LOL!!!
Great shot
Are they difficult to put in the holes? They look as if they have a life of their own!
Never had a pair BUT I do remember them :-)
Great shot. Laces are amazing !
Ooh they are cool!!! :D
Never seen those laces before...fab shot.
they're not hard to put in the eyelets, they're a lot like telephone cords but more elastic. you just pull on them (^_^)
oh wow Bambi , i can't beleive you still have these, they look great, love the photo
an my son says that we were all weird in the 80's LOL
oooh fabby!
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